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FT: Schlechte Filme und Serien
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yeezy Schrieb:
defsoul Schrieb:
tell me im confused...why 
hier 1 paar tumblr zitate weil ich kb hab das alles selbst zu schreiben

"13 reasons why is bad: a summary
- romanticises mental illness 
- incredibly triggering
- no compelling story
- boring main character
- 9000 bike riding scenes honestly what the hell
- main girl wrecks main guys life for no apparent reason
- feels like a john green book, and not in a good way
- just, Yikes"

"13 reasons why is a bad show that creates a suicide revenge fantasy rather than addressing the mental illness that causes it"

"It treats suicide as some kind of revenge game.
Hannah’s whole suicide plot was terrible. To summarise, she made a bunch of cassette tapes, 13 to be exact (hence the show’s name), and each tape had a reason why she killed herself. But they weren’t just reasons, she was blaming a person on each tape. This gives the impression, especially towards a younger audience, that we do not have to take responsibility for our own actions. This show suggests that shifting the blame and targeting people is okay, when it isn’t. The whole concept behind the tapes were to pass them around to each person, like some kind of game. I mean, there was a fucking map that had locations for you to visit to “understand the story more”. It’s as if Hannah’s suicide was entirely just to get revenge and make others feel bad for what they did to her, which is an unhealthy and incorrect way to portray suicide. 

The usage of graphic imagery.
If you are familiar with the show, you will know that they are not afraid to show very graphic and disturbing scenes, especially with the last episodes on both season 1 and 2. Whilst I understand that the show is trying to show how gruesome and brutal suicide, rape and assault can be, however having the entire scene shown is very triggering, especially to those who’ve experienced the type of things they are showing. Rather than putting those horrific scenes on screen, they could’ve simply explained how the character’s felt. This would’ve been much better as people who have experienced these traumatic events could relate to it in a way where it won’t trigger bad memories and such. Some of the scenes in this show are unnecessary and serve no purpose. The only valid reason I can think of is for shock value. People who have lived it do not need to relive it through a graphic scene of a character’s experience. 

Poor portrayal of mental illness.
Why would you make a show directed towards people with mental illness, and then proceed to say “wELL dOnT wAtCh iT” when it genuinely triggers someone with a mental illness. They say this show “helps” people, but it doesn’t. By showing graphic imagery, it only makes things worse for people who have experienced suicidal thoughts and/or rape. And it’s not even that — they didn’t even mention Hannah’s mental illness throughout the entire series. I don’t even think the word ‘depression’ was brought up once (correct me if I’m wrong). Although it’s quite clear and obvious Hannah is struggling with depression, otherwise she wouldn’t have resorted to suicide, the show does no job of discussing how mental illness affected Hannah, and other characters too.
Adults are dumb and can’t help you.
The parents, the school counsellor, jesus. These are grown adults and they’re acting like children, which is extremely unrealistic. I understand that in some situations, adults may act like this, perhaps even worse. But this show is supposed to help people, and by making the adults completely clueless, it’s giving out the message that they can’t help you and you are alone. Mr. Porter, or whatever his name was, is the school counsellor. Hannah goes to him for support, which is a good thing to do and to show that getting help is an option. But that is later ruined when Hannah blatantly tells him she was sexually assaulted and wants to end her life. What does Mr. Porter do? He acts like it’s a joke and says he can’t help her unless she tells him the person who sexually assaulted her. Whilst I understand that he cannot protect her from her rapist, he could’ve — and should’ve — payed more attention to what he can do, which was stop her from ending her life. It paints out adults to be clueless idiots, and then when Hannah gets angry and Mr. Porter and walks away, he continues to do nothing"
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season 2 war unnecessary und einfach 1 mess

defsoul Schrieb:
season 2 war unnecessary und einfach 1 mess
okay.... naja also das andere durch diese Serie das selbe tun ist echt shit das sollte aber eig auch nich die Message sein sondern das man andere nicht mobbt damit so was vermieden wird.... aber ist ne krasse Serie....trotz dem ganzen hate die Schauspieler haben das so gut dargestellt dafür probs 
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yeezy Schrieb:
defsoul Schrieb:
season 2 war unnecessary und einfach 1 mess
okay.... naja also das andere durch diese Serie das selbe tun ist echt shit das sollte aber eig auch nich die Message sein sondern das man andere nicht mobbt damit so was vermieden wird.... aber ist ne krasse Serie....trotz dem ganzen hate die Schauspieler haben das so gut dargestellt dafür probs 
nein eben nicht lmao finde die serie einfach so scheiße die verdient nedmal bisschen lob fertig
die serie ist extremst overhyped
"naja also das andere durch diese Serie das selbe tun ist echt shit das sollte aber eig auch nich die Message sein " hab ich nie erwähnt what

defsoul Schrieb:
yeezy Schrieb:
defsoul Schrieb:
season 2 war unnecessary und einfach 1 mess
okay.... naja also das andere durch diese Serie das selbe tun ist echt shit das sollte aber eig auch nich die Message sein sondern das man andere nicht mobbt damit so was vermieden wird.... aber ist ne krasse Serie....trotz dem ganzen hate die Schauspieler haben das so gut dargestellt dafür probs 
nein eben nicht lmao finde die serie einfach so scheiße die verdient nedmal bisschen lob fertig
die serie ist extremst overhyped
"naja also das andere durch diese Serie das selbe tun ist echt shit das sollte aber eig auch nich die Message sein " hab ich nie erwähnt what
häääää du kannst sagen was du willst wenn die Mehrheit anderer Meinung is ist es halt so
die serie ist sehr überbewertet aber wenn sie es nich wäre hätte ich sie trd geschaut 

nein war nur so was am rande 
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Jumi Schrieb:
Darf ich mal anmerken, dass die zweite Staffel von 13 reasons why echt schlecht ist? 
Da scheinen irgendwie viele der Meinung zu sein hier xD

CherryGhost Schrieb:
Jumi Schrieb:
Darf ich mal anmerken, dass die zweite Staffel von 13 reasons why echt schlecht ist? 
Da scheinen irgendwie viele der Meinung zu sein hier xD
es hätte bei einer bleiben sollen und safe kommt eine dritte 
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defsoul Schrieb:
yeezy Schrieb:
defsoul Schrieb:
tell me im confused...why 
hier 1 paar tumblr zitate weil ich kb hab das alles selbst zu schreiben

"13 reasons why is bad: a summary
- romanticises mental illness 
- incredibly triggering
- no compelling story
- boring main character
- 9000 bike riding scenes honestly what the hell
- main girl wrecks main guys life for no apparent reason
- feels like a john green book, and not in a good way
- just, Yikes"

"13 reasons why is a bad show that creates a suicide revenge fantasy rather than addressing the mental illness that causes it"

"It treats suicide as some kind of revenge game.
Hannah’s whole suicide plot was terrible. To summarise, she made a bunch of cassette tapes, 13 to be exact (hence the show’s name), and each tape had a reason why she killed herself. But they weren’t just reasons, she was blaming a person on each tape. This gives the impression, especially towards a younger audience, that we do not have to take responsibility for our own actions. This show suggests that shifting the blame and targeting people is okay, when it isn’t. The whole concept behind the tapes were to pass them around to each person, like some kind of game. I mean, there was a fucking map that had locations for you to visit to “understand the story more”. It’s as if Hannah’s suicide was entirely just to get revenge and make others feel bad for what they did to her, which is an unhealthy and incorrect way to portray suicide. 

The usage of graphic imagery.
If you are familiar with the show, you will know that they are not afraid to show very graphic and disturbing scenes, especially with the last episodes on both season 1 and 2. Whilst I understand that the show is trying to show how gruesome and brutal suicide, rape and assault can be, however having the entire scene shown is very triggering, especially to those who’ve experienced the type of things they are showing. Rather than putting those horrific scenes on screen, they could’ve simply explained how the character’s felt. This would’ve been much better as people who have experienced these traumatic events could relate to it in a way where it won’t trigger bad memories and such. Some of the scenes in this show are unnecessary and serve no purpose. The only valid reason I can think of is for shock value. People who have lived it do not need to relive it through a graphic scene of a character’s experience. 

Poor portrayal of mental illness.
Why would you make a show directed towards people with mental illness, and then proceed to say “wELL dOnT wAtCh iT” when it genuinely triggers someone with a mental illness. They say this show “helps” people, but it doesn’t. By showing graphic imagery, it only makes things worse for people who have experienced suicidal thoughts and/or rape. And it’s not even that — they didn’t even mention Hannah’s mental illness throughout the entire series. I don’t even think the word ‘depression’ was brought up once (correct me if I’m wrong). Although it’s quite clear and obvious Hannah is struggling with depression, otherwise she wouldn’t have resorted to suicide, the show does no job of discussing how mental illness affected Hannah, and other characters too.
Adults are dumb and can’t help you.
The parents, the school counsellor, jesus. These are grown adults and they’re acting like children, which is extremely unrealistic. I understand that in some situations, adults may act like this, perhaps even worse. But this show is supposed to help people, and by making the adults completely clueless, it’s giving out the message that they can’t help you and you are alone. Mr. Porter, or whatever his name was, is the school counsellor. Hannah goes to him for support, which is a good thing to do and to show that getting help is an option. But that is later ruined when Hannah blatantly tells him she was sexually assaulted and wants to end her life. What does Mr. Porter do? He acts like it’s a joke and says he can’t help her unless she tells him the person who sexually assaulted her. Whilst I understand that he cannot protect her from her rapist, he could’ve — and should’ve — payed more attention to what he can do, which was stop her from ending her life. It paints out adults to be clueless idiots, and then when Hannah gets angry and Mr. Porter and walks away, he continues to do nothing"
Hoooola, das ist ja mal ausführlich xD

Da gibts ja auch ein Buch zu, ist das genauso oder ist es nur die Serie, die da was verschandelt?
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yeezy Schrieb:
CherryGhost Schrieb:
Jumi Schrieb:
Darf ich mal anmerken, dass die zweite Staffel von 13 reasons why echt schlecht ist? 
Da scheinen irgendwie viele der Meinung zu sein hier xD
es hätte bei einer bleiben sollen und safe kommt eine dritte 
bitte sei ruhig :-)

defsoul Schrieb:
yeezy Schrieb:
CherryGhost Schrieb:
Da scheinen irgendwie viele der Meinung zu sein hier xD
es hätte bei einer bleiben sollen und safe kommt eine dritte 
bitte sei ruhig :-)
wenn du das sagst erst recht nicht bs
Queen of Pop

yeezy Schrieb:
CherryGhost Schrieb:
Jumi Schrieb:
Darf ich mal anmerken, dass die zweite Staffel von 13 reasons why echt schlecht ist? 
Da scheinen irgendwie viele der Meinung zu sein hier xD
es hätte bei einer bleiben sollen und safe kommt eine dritte 
Wenn ich mich nicht irre, dann soll es tatsächlich eine dritte Staffel geben. Ich weiß aber nicht mehr, wo ich das gelesen habe. 
Queen of Pop

CherryGhost Schrieb:
Jumi Schrieb:
Darf ich mal anmerken, dass die zweite Staffel von 13 reasons why echt schlecht ist? 
Da scheinen irgendwie viele der Meinung zu sein hier xD
Wundert mich um ehrlich zu sein kein bisschen. 
Queen of Pop

Jumi Schrieb:
Darf ich mal anmerken, dass die zweite Staffel von 13 reasons why echt schlecht ist? 
Ich finde beide Staffeln einfach nur langweilig 

Tintenherz Verfilmung ej Staubfinger war so gut gecastet und mit Maggie und Mo hätte ich mich auch anfreunden können aber die Story war einfach so anders und dann haben die Staubfinger am Ende dieses Happy end gegeben wo er in Zeitlupe (heisst das so???? halt so mega langsam) seiner Familie entgegen läuft wo ich mir so denke????
did not happen in the books

nur damit sie den Film abschliessen können und den 2. und 3. nicht mehr verfilmen müssen uff 
Youtube Star

Finde Mean Girls so unlustig 
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