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Lele Schrieb: tomorrow i go with my parents to the cinema and we watch ''der bestatter'' and we eat in the cinema good food! rly nice bistro and yes i am excited haha i pay lol, my geldbeutel crys
Lele Schrieb: tomorrow i go with my parents to the cinema and we watch ''der bestatter'' and we eat in the cinema good food! rly nice bistro and yes i am excited haha i pay lol, my geldbeutel crys
Lele Schrieb: tomorrow i go with my parents to the cinema and we watch ''der bestatter'' and we eat in the cinema good food! rly nice bistro and yes i am excited haha i pay lol, my geldbeutel crys
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jaa also ne eig schon stadt aber unser haus steht im dorfbezirk wenn das sinn macht