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TintenBlut Schrieb: You got: The Tulip This one is simple and very easy to do: One partner is on top with their legs open, and the other partner fits underneath them with legs closed.
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TintenBlut Schrieb: You got: The Tulip This one is simple and very easy to do: One partner is on top with their legs open, and the other partner fits underneath them with legs closed.
ja man und dann kannst du finger in po mexico machen
derMessias Schrieb: bei mir gibt ned mal coole bild
XDDDDDDD was ist das
You got: The WorkoutThis is a toughie but completely worth mastering. One partner holds the other one up against a wall, and the second partner wraps their legs around the first partner's waist.
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You got: The WorkoutThis is a toughie but completely worth mastering. One partner holds the other one up against a wall, and the second partner wraps their legs around the first partner's waist.
omg was der muss wall squat machen?? dachte der sitzt auf stuhl