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derMessias Schrieb: You got: You think with your head.You're an intelligent person who tends to use logic to solve any problem. You rarely let your feelings get in the way of what you have to do, which can make you come off a little cold and calculating. But that doesn't mean that you don't know how to enjoy life, on the contrary, you know how to optimize for happiness and pleasure.
Liebe Schrieb: You got: You think with both your head and your heart.
You're one of those rare cases that live in perfect balance. For you, life isn't about black and white, but the shades of gray that require equal attention from both your head and your heart.
TintenBlut Schrieb: You got: You think with your heart. You're impulsive and you let your heart be your guide. You don't always think things through, and you don't hold back either, which means you get hurt more than you should. But you're compassionate and caring and people gravitate towards you because of that.
Liebe Schrieb: You got: You think with both your head and your heart.
You're one of those rare cases that live in perfect balance. For you, life isn't about black and white, but the shades of gray that require equal attention from both your head and your heart.
Liebe Schrieb: You got: You think with both your head and your heart.
You're one of those rare cases that live in perfect balance. For you, life isn't about black and white, but the shades of gray that require equal attention from both your head and your heart.
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