Calcifer Schrieb:VP-Etjen Schrieb:
In the past, I've written to some players that you are allowed to talk about GSM, but anything that looks like advertising GSM is not allowed.
In the past people have been uploading GSM sets and sharing GSM links. This is promoting GSM and VP is not the platform for that.
Now I see that images are not shared, but links to Imgur are shared showing GSM designs.
Is there a reason why you cannot talk about GSM designs on GSM?
Therefore, bringing GSM designs to VP is seen as promoting GSM. Understand that this cannot and should not happen.
i was not thinking about that Aspect for real
It was just interesting bc im not on gsm anymore and i was just curious about the looks. I dont want to advertising something or make some promo for GSM. i'm really sorry etjen!
das war wegen giana wegen dem link weil sie bei dem dings da mit macht