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vilt hatte jemand mal ein ähnliches problem: hab einen neuen insta acc und keiner kann mir schreiben oder auf stories antworten (selbst follower) außer ich folge der person zurück. Das profil ist öffentlich und ein creator account (hab schon bereits mit business und personal probiert aber hilft nicht) ich hab auch keinen plan wie man jemals insta kontaktieren soll das ist richtig ärgerlich. Private einstellung ist auch für alle offen was anfragen angeht (hab auch eine bekommen aber keine ahnung wie die durchgekommen ist? war ein story reply) und volljährig bin ich auch falls es kindersicherung wäre ahh ich werde verrückt

hab auf reddit bisschen was dazu gefunden:

1. After a lot of trial and error I found out that updating my birthday seems to have solved the issue. I had to do a lot of weird stuff though (tried switching from a business to a personal account and then back again, tried following and unfollowing accounts getting the error to "test" it, things like that). It's most definitely something wrong on instagrams end, I think if you don't put in your birthday it restricts you the same way an underage account is restricted.
After I changed my birthday I also logged out everywhere (including on my computer), updated the app, and then logged back in again. I have no idea if this made a difference but another thing to try.

2. Guys is a very simple , log out of the insta and uninstalled the app and next install Instagram anew ,it is all

3. hiii i just encountered the same problem and found it was about the age guidelines in Instagram first check if you accept request and second check your birthday if it is above 18 if you have connect your facebook account check it out too just incase... but after all that i found nothing but after a few tries i finally found the solution to it and the problem was my email it was under 18 how careless of me so check everything like EVERYTHING if it above 18 hope this help :)))

liakiddxo Schrieb:
hab auf reddit bisschen was dazu gefunden:

1. After a lot of trial and error I found out that updating my birthday seems to have solved the issue. I had to do a lot of weird stuff though (tried switching from a business to a personal account and then back again, tried following and unfollowing accounts getting the error to "test" it, things like that). It's most definitely something wrong on instagrams end, I think if you don't put in your birthday it restricts you the same way an underage account is restricted.
After I changed my birthday I also logged out everywhere (including on my computer), updated the app, and then logged back in again. I have no idea if this made a difference but another thing to try.

2. Guys is a very simple , log out of the insta and uninstalled the app and next install Instagram anew ,it is all

3. hiii i just encountered the same problem and found it was about the age guidelines in Instagram first check if you accept request and second check your birthday if it is above 18 if you have connect your facebook account check it out too just incase... but after all that i found nothing but after a few tries i finally found the solution to it and the problem was my email it was under 18 how careless of me so check everything like EVERYTHING if it above 18 hope this help ))

hab den thread auch gefunden hat leider nichts funktioniert :/
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